Be the leading body, championing the cause of press freedom, responsible journalism in Seychelles and upholding the citizens’ right to accurate and truthful information.

Preserve the freedom of the media, set, maintain & improve the standards of journalism in Seychelles.
The Seychelles Media Commission is a body corporate established by the Seychelles Media Commission Act 2010, which was approved by the National Assembly of Seychelles on the 21st December 2010. It consists of a Chairperson and eight other members. The Commission is led by a Chief Executive Officer.

Media in Seychelles
The media landscape in Seychelles is dominated by the print media. Currently there are four active publications comprising of two dailies, two weeklies and others that are published fortnightly, monthly, quarterly and bi-annually.
Our Code of Conduct
This Code of Conduct is intended to govern the conduct of publishers of newspapers, radio and television broadcasters, news agencies, journalists and publishers of online publications.