Complaint Form


I agree to the terms of the Complaints Procedure. If this complaint is filed with the Seychelles Media Commission, I agree to waive any right I may have to file proceedings against the publisher, broadcaster or journalist concerned in a court of law. That no proceedings are pending in any court of law in respect of any matter alleged in the complaint and that if during the inquiry any matter alleged in the complaint becomes the subject matter of any proceeding in a court of law, the SMC will be notified.

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This section will allow you to provide us with your details. Please note that if you do not provide contact details, we may not be able to respond to you or investigate your complaint due to insufficient information.
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The SMC publishes most investigation reports on its website and includes a summary in its annual report and other SMC publications. A media release may also be issued. The SMC’s use a complainant's name in an investigation report may be published. Therefore the complainants need to be aware that some details of the complaint may receive publicity, regardless of whether a breach is found.