Media Houses have met to discuss the content of Section 7 of ‘The Seychelles National Alcohol Policy. The policy dates back to June 2015 and has been tabled for revision, following the announcement made in the February 26th State of the Nation Address (SONA), that the control of production and promotion of alcohol in the country. The review took place on the 29th of May 2019 and was led by Agency for Prevention of Drug Abuse and Rehabilitation (APDAR).
Section 7 deals with Advertising of Alcoholic Products. The SONA made mention of the fact that alcohol abuse is an issue in the country and that we need to re look at alcohol advertising and hours of alcohol sale. Specific to alcohol advertising it was stated that “There is too much alcohol advertising and marketing. It needs to be regulated. There is a need to look at controlling the promotion and advertising that we allow for alcohol.”
This statement along with the need for the review of the policy, prompted media houses to meet and discuss the media’s position on the issue of advertising and to put forward recommendations to Government. Media representatives discussed contents of the policy, and proposed that Point E of Section 7, which limited the advertising of alcohol on the public funded television. The proposed amendment now reads “Maintain ban of advertising of alcohol on the public-funded television station, the Seychelles Broadcasting Corporation (SBC), when technically possible, of advertising of alcohol during live international broadcasts. Introduce a time (eg 9:00 pm to 6:00 am) for alcohol advertisement on broadcast media for all sector.”
The proposed revision was presented to all stakeholders present and no further amendments were made.
The Alcohol Bill is currently tabled at the National Assembly and the Regulation on Advertising and will follow.