As part of its mandate to review existing legislative documents that governs the media, the Seychelles Media Commission Board has agreed that the whole Act requires legal review. The internal review conducted by the Commission, was held as part of an extra ordinary meeting whereby the Act in its entirety was read through.
During the past five years, there has been major changes in the publishing sector. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on the sale and availability of newspapers. The SMC has concluded therefore, that a new modern law should be drafted to incorporate all elements.
The Commission has also noted that the process of setting up a newspaper should also be re considered, as under the current law, this process is rather lengthy.
The SMC has previously discussed the status of the Newspaper Act with the Seychelles Licensing Authority, as the latter is the body that issues the licence. Discussions dealt with a number of issues which included the proposed review of licencing period and the possibility for shorter and longer periods between the licensing commencement and end date, including fees. The discussion also touched on the involvement of the SMC during the issuing of licenses, whereby it was proposed that the SMC also be consulted during the renewal process. All these matters are being considered by the Licensing Authority, in consultation with the Attorney General's office.
The SMC will be taking its proposals and conclusions to Government.