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Chief Executive Officer                                                     

Established in 2010, the Seychelles Media Commission is an independent, self-governing and body corporate whose objects are to preserve the freedom of the media, improve and maintain high standards of journalism in Seychelles and to require publishers of newspapers, radio and television broadcasters, news agencies and journalists to respect human dignity, freedom from discrimination on any grounds except as are necessary in a democratic society and to maintain high standards of integrity and good taste.

We are looking for a dynamic and experienced individual for appointment as the Chief Executive Officer of the Seychelles Media Commission.

The CEO will work closely with the Board of Commissioners, and shall be responsible for the implementation of the decisions of the Commission and the overall strategic and operational planning, effective management and execution of the affairs of the institution.

Key accountabilities include:
- Ensuring and monitoring legal compliance with relevant laws and regulations, ensuring that all laws relating to the media sector remain relevant;
- Working with the Commissioners in fulfilling governance, ethical and transparency obligations;
- Initiating, developing and maintaining a cordial and respectful relationship with the media sector actors while exercising fairly its regulatory, mediation and grievance functions;
- Collaborating with government agencies and state institutions, regulatory bodies, international organisations and the private sector.

Interested candidates are invited to review the purpose and role of the institution as detailed under Section 13 of the Seychelles Media Commission Act 2010 and Section 10A of the Seychelles Media Commission (Amendment) Act 2017.

Applications and detailed CVs including educational and professional certificates, experience, police character certificate and two referees should be forwarded by email addressed to the Chairperson of the Seychelles Media Commission on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before Friday, 28th February 2025.